Title Insurance
Title Insurance
The purchase of a home can be one of the most stressful transactions in a person's life. With so many different aspects to worry about, Title Insurance is something that most people don't consider until the day of closing. Title Insurance is an important part of the transaction and can end up saving you time and money in the future.

The main purpose of Title Insurance is to guarantee that no one else can claim your property. It also provides the peace of mind that you will not incur unexpected debts from your new property. Even if you have owned your property for years, unexpected problems can arise that may put your ownership in jeopardy. The Title Insurance policy means that your lender can be reassured regarding their loan, and you can be reassured regarding possible problems with your property.

There are numerous problems that can arise when buying a house. A previous owner could have taken out a loan on the property, which would become the new owner's debt. In a separation or divorce, the previous owner could have taken out a mortgage without the knowledge of their partner. A lost heir could appear and stake a claim to the property. Title Insurance protects new owners from all of these claims.

If one of these problems occurs and you are without Title Insurance, you could be forced to move out. You could also legally be required to pay a debt on a house that is no longer yours. If you have fee Title Insurance, the Title Company will handle any litigation or payments towards your case. In the very rare case of title loss on your property, the Title Company can pay you or buy the mortgage from the bank.

Most people usually only insure their homes against fire and flood. If there was a natural disaster on your property and your house was demolished, you would still end up owning the land. A Title Insurance policy protects the owner if the actual house is taken away in a disaster. The Title Insurance policy coverage will last as long as you own the home. You can have cover and peace of mind for all these events if they do occur, from only one initial premium.